Putting on Contact Lenses: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Even if you are interested in purchasing cosmetic contact lenses, such as those that change your eye color or give your eyes a different appearance, you will still need an eye exam and a prescription from an eye doctor. This is because contact lenses are not a one-size-fits-all product. An eye doctor will need to evaluate your eyes to determine the correct size and type of contact lenses that are appropriate for you.

The same applies to costume or theatrical contact lenses. These lenses may seem like a fun addition to a costume, but they still require a prescription and proper fitting from an eye doctor. Costume lenses that are sold without a prescription are often illegal and can potentially cause harm to your eyes.

Putting in contact lenses for the first time can be intimidating, but with practice, it can become a simple and painless process. It is important to follow the instructions provided by your eye care professional and to properly clean and store your lenses. Failure to do so can lead to eye infections or other complications. If you experience any discomfort or pain while wearing your lenses, it is important to contact your eye care professional immediately.

To get one-on-one training, schedule your eye exam today with our team. Simply call or message us to request a contact lens appointment!

See how daily disposable contact lenses can change your life!


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