Sunshine Optometry

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Screen Time and Your Child's Eyes: Protect Their Vision Today

In today's digital world, children are increasingly exposed to screens, often exceeding six hours of screen time daily since the COVID-19 pandemic. This rise in digital exposure significantly impacts their eye health, increasing the risk of dry eye disease and myopia.

Prolonged screen use can lead to reduced blink rate and tear film quality deterioration, causing conditions like meibomian gland atrophy. Over 90% of children in recent studies showed signs of this condition due to high screen time. Children may not always express discomfort, but symptoms like frequent blinking, eye rubbing, or tired eyes can indicate eye strain or dry eye, which are often subtle but can have long-term effects.

Regular eye exams are crucial for early detection and management of screen-related eye issues. Our comprehensive eye exams assess vision and check for signs of eye strain, dry eye disease, and myopia. Additionally, for children who wear glasses, keeping their prescription up-to-date is essential to avoid exacerbating eye strain. Our range of children's eyewear includes comfortable, durable options with the latest lens technology, like blue light filtering, to reduce digital eye strain.

We encourage parents to schedule an appointment for their child's comprehensive eye exam and explore our latest collection of children's eyewear. Our team is dedicated to providing the best care for your child's eyes. Regular eye exams and updated glasses are key to maintaining your child's eye health in this digital era. Contact us today to book an appointment and ensure your child's vision is clear and healthy.